The Perfect Young Lady...

The Perfect Young Lady
ü     Neat and organized…
ü     Cares about herself as well as others…
ü     Keeps her hair clean and well-groomed…
ü     Won’t wear Velvet after February…
ü     Will not wear white shoes before Easter or after Labor Day…
ü     May wear a hat inside…
ü     Sends Thank you notes...
ü     Does not drink straight out of a can.
ü     Remembers to say please and thank you for kindness and gifts.
ü     Keeps on through a door a gentleman is holding open with a nice smile and thank you…
ü     Never uses rude or vulgar language…
ü     Does not email or text anything she doesn’t want to see on the front page of the newspaper…
ü     Turns off her cell phone when entering a theatre, church or meeting…
ü     Walks on the inside when walking down a sidewalk with a gentleman…
ü     Always modest in clothing and behavior; everyone should not know what color her undergarments are or what is wrong with her or going on with her…
ü     Shares the conversation…
ü     Does not let any gentleman kiss her or put his arms around her unless they are engaged to be married…
ü     Knows every man who has said something nice to her has not fallen in love with her…
ü     Knows to never chase a guy and anyone worth her time will not make her run after him. If he runs she tells him bye…
ü     She knows that good hygiene doesn’t take long and it has to happen…
ü     She cares about other people and treats them the way she wants to be treated…
ü     Knows if she acts like a lady she will be treated like one. Knows young ladies who carry themselves like they have class are treated like they have class…
ü     She learns from other people’s mistakes and knows their mistakes did happen in front of her for a reason...she takes it as a free life lesson
        I hope you all enjoyed my tips on The Perfect Young Lady. You can find them and much more information in my newest book "Introducing the Fine Art of Etiquette to Today's Young Ladies and Gentlemen." Purchase your copy here

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