How Etiquette Classes Benefit Children

Etiquette classes will help your child learn how to behave in social situations.  It also helps your child interact better with others. Often, children seem shy or withdrawn because they do not know how to handle a situation, they don't want to say the wrong thing or they may feel they are going to look stupid or even get embarrassed. Who wants to get embarrassed?

 I role-play with children and teach them what to talk about when conversing with others.  Children need to know how to properly speak to adults too. When children are young they are told not to talk to strangers. That word of advice usually stays with them. You may notice that your child is very conversational around people they know and quiet and shy around others they don't know. As children get older they should know how to communicate with everyone including adults without feeling shy or creating an awkward moment.

 Some parents feel like proper manners are no longer important.  Well, proper manners are still important and people are watching your child's behavior.  When you think no one is watching, someone is watching.  They may not say anything to you but they are observing your child's behavior.  I see children on a daily basis that are nice children but seem to lack proper manners and unknowingly are displaying very rude and disrespectful behavior. Just like many other adults I overlook their behavior knowing they do not know any better.  I hear all the time that they are just kids. Well, those kids are going to grow up one day and if they do not know better they are going to continue doing the same thing and they will allow their children to do the same.

 It is important for our children to be aware that there are certain "rules" they should follow now that they are getting older.  There are certain expectations people are going to have of them now that they are older.  It is better for them to learn while they are younger to save them from a lifetime of embarrassment.  

I always tell my children that if they are not behaving properly people are going to look at me the parent as if I am not doing my job.  When you are in the store and you see the children running around playing and having a good old time stepping on eveyone's toes, etc.. who do you look for? That child's parent. You look to see what that child's parent is doing and why they are not making their children behave.

 I often hear from parents that they were never taught proper manners. It's never too late to learn. However, if you are trying to teach your child proper manners and you feel like  your child is not listening to you. I'm quite sure they hear you. Sometimes it takes someone else to teach them or tell them in order for them to learn.  I tell all parents to continue to correct their children's  behavior and teach them and it will stick with them.

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