Tips On Appropriate Attire for the Workplace

Your goal for getting dressed for work is to project a professional image regardless of your career level.  In general, the more distracting a piece of clothing or jewelry is, the less appropriate it is for office wear.

Here are some tips to help you project a professional image:

Ÿ  Color plays a big part in professional image.  Traditional career colors include red(aggressive), navy(trustworthy), gray(conservative) and black(chic).
Ÿ  Jewelry that jangles is distracting
Ÿ  Manicured nails, run free hose, neat hair, scuff-free shoes are all a plus!
Ÿ  Pants should be fitted, but free of visible panty lines, skirts should be loose enough to sit down comfortably and jackets should be able to be buttoned and shirts should not gap in between buttons.

Looks to avoid in the workplace

Ÿ  Too sexy: see thru lace, miniskirts, spaghetti straps, sheer sundresses, strappy stiletto sandals
Ÿ  Too casual: Jeans, t-shirts, sneakers, hats
Ÿ  Too sloppy: wrinkled clothing, too many layers, baggy
Ÿ  Too much make-up: too much make up won’t always make you look better. It can make you look bad


While getting dressed for office, look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself  if  you can go to a party or nightclub in these clothes after work.  If the answer is NO, then rest assured you are dressed appropriately for work

Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

There are sooooo many uses for hydrogen peroxide, 1% - 3%. I just thought I would share a few of them with you. Once again,  isn't if funny how we can have this stuff in our medicine cabinet for years and only use it for one or two things and not knowing what else it can be used for?  Hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria, viruses and mold. It is also non-toxic and great to clean with.  It may take a little time to work. You will start seeing the fizz while it is killing the germs.  This is a great way to clean people with babies and people with weak immune systems around since it has no harmful chemicals. These are some of the things i've heard it can also be used for. You can take a look at this and do your own research to see where it will help you. Here we go....

  • Brighten laundry and remove stains in your laundry
  • Mouthwash
  • Sanitize your toothbrushes and dentures
  • Tooth whitener with a little baking soda on a toothbrush
  • Cleaning cuts and skin infections
  • Baths and Foot Baths
  • Plant spray
  • Treat acne
  • Kills mold
  • Clean and disinfect kitchens
  • Cleans toilets
  • Sanitizing or Disinfecting your hands
  • Cleaning the fridge
  • Kill fingernail and toenail fungus
  • Cleaning ears

RSVP Etiquette

RSVP is a French acronym that means "Respondez S'il Vous Plait" which is translated in English to mean "please respond or respond please".
RSVP was used with invitations related to more formal events and now with everything including child birthday parties. An RSVP is used so the host will know the approximate number of attendees to ensure a sufficient amount of food, etc.... for everyone at the event. You will see a phone number or email address on the invitation to reply to.
If it's a really fancy formal event you will receive a self-addressed stamped envelope with a little RSVP card to place in it. It will come inside of the invite for you to fill out and return with your name and number of attendees.
Now, here's the tricky part... If your invite was only addressed to you. You should be the only person attending. If your invite was addressed to you and your spouse or you and a guest it is okay to include both of you on the RSVP card. Do not include your children because the host knows that you have children and you do nothing without your children. Do not call and ask if it is alright if your children attend. If the invite says and family or is addressed to you and your family then it is usually safe to assume your children are invited. However, if that is the case you can call to be sure. It would be pretty embarrassing showing up with your children and it's an adult affair.
You should also repond to electronic invitations too. You may receive an invite from which required you to reply in one click. Do so, it is the same thing it's just electronic. Everyone is doing more on the computer today. It makes it much easier than sending out invites and buying stamps for each invite.
It is really really rude to just show up to an event after you have received an RSVP card along with your invite. You should always respond by the deadline. The host has a deadline with everyone she is working with such as the caterer for the food... the caterer needs to know how much food to provide, the amount of seats for the venue is also important. It is also very rude to answer yes and not show up to the event. It is a waste of money to the person paying for the event. That is really very rude.
If you cannot attend you should still send the card back. You will mark off "Regrets Only" and send the card back this will let the host know that you will not be attending the event.

Petroleum Jelly Uses

Here are some tips on uses for petroleum jelly. Isn't it funny how we can have something in our homes and not even realize how useful it really is?

  • Can be useful for adding shine to shoes and purses
  • Apply to Chapped Lips
  • Apply petroleum jelly under the nose to prevent pollen from entering the nose and preventing allergies
  • It protects wounds from moisture and bacteria
  • Apply to a squeaky door hinge to prevent door from squeaking
  • Use as a makeup remover
  • It contains no chemicals or perfumes so it can be used as a moisturizer for your body
  • Keep nuts, bolts and screws from rusting by applying before using
  • Apply around your nails before polishing to easily clean up mistakes
  • Apply to your feet as soon as you are done bathing or showering before the moisture on your skin evaporates for softer feet

Eye Contact and Facial Expressions

When you are meeting someone for the first time you should always, always smile, make eye contact and extend your right hand and give them a nice firm handshake with your hands connecting. If you are meeting new people or at a job interview be sure to make eye contact and smile. Proper manners are about making you and others feel at ease in social situations. You will also appear more confident and will be less likely to get embarrassed.

When you see someone you know or you have met before it is appropriate to smile or speak to them and say Hello. When you don't say anything that means you do not know them. Even if you don't know the person a smile won't hurt anyone.

An elegant woman is always aware of her certain facial expressions and how they can change her whole look. Body language is very important. It sends silent messages. A person may be able to guess how you are feeling or what you are thinking by your body language displayed. Noticing the signals people send out with their body language is a very useful social skill.
An elegant woman refrains from harsh expressions and tries to keep a very passive expression at all times. If she feels like frowning she does not let it show. When she laughs it is not loud enough to let the whole world know she's having a good time.

10 Most Needed Tips on Table Manners

1. Place your napkin on your lap upon being seated at the table.

2. When seated use good posture, keep your elbows off the table and your free hand(the hand you are not eating with)on your lap.

3. Ask someone to pass an item that is across the table. It is never acceptable to reach across the table. Ask the person sitting closest to the item.

4. If someone asks you to pass the salt and pepper always remember they should be passed together as they are a pair that should never part.

5. Cut one or two piece of food, including meat such as steaks, at a time. Eat each piece before cutting another piece. Do not cut up all of your food into little pieces all over your plate as if you are preparing a toddler's plate.

6. Never make a negative comment about the food that is being served in someone's home. Never ask to take food from someone's home. It is okay to request a container or "doggy bag" in a restaurant.

7. When dining with others try to keep your pace. You should not finish long before or long after others you are dining with.

8. When excusing yourself to use the restroom always place your napkin in your chair to let the waiter know that you are away and will return. Also, try using the restroom upon arrival, before the meal or after the table is cleared.

9. Never move food from someone else's plate to your plate or take food off of someone else's plate. When sharing food always pass it on your bread plate.

10. You should never crumble crackers in your soup. Spoon your soup away from you and up to your mouth.

Table Etiquette

An elegant woman knows how to handle herself in all social situations including at the dinner table. She knows that not knowing which fork is used for her salad could be pretty embarrassing when everyone else at the table knows. She also knows that selecting the wrong water glass could mess up the flow of the whole table she is sitting at only to leave everyone at the table looking at her. Another embarrasing situation. There's a lot to learn about table manners.

  Do You Know Which Fork Is Used For Your Salad?

Your Salad Fork is the fork on the left. Your Dinner Fork is your fork next to your plate.

This is my eBook. Mama's Lesson On Table Manners. I wrote this book to provide a quick lesson on table manners with a reminder of the constant teachings mama gave us. This eBook is only $5.00 and can be puchased and downloaded right away on my website at

Wearing Makeup

When wearing makeup the key to wearing makeup is to keep it simple and light. Don't overdo it. You do not need to pack on the makeup to make you look better. A nice lipstick or lip gloss works well with a nice blush and mascara. If necessary try wearing a light foundation, not too heavy. Make sure it matches your skin color. It should not be too light or too dark. Keep your makeup elegant and simple. Popular lip colors this season: Orange, Pink and Red. Applying your blush: start at the apples of your cheeks and work your way up to your temples blending the color. When you line your lips or if you line your lips please do not line the outter line of your lips with black or a very dark color then apply lipstick or lip gloss. Yes! There are people that still do this. An elegant woman never shares her eye pencil or mascara. Sharing these eye makeups will cause and can spread an infection. Please share this info with young ladies who feel that it's okay to share everything!

How Etiquette Classes Benefit Children

Etiquette classes will help your child learn how to behave in social situations.  It also helps your child interact better with others. Often, children seem shy or withdrawn because they do not know how to handle a situation, they don't want to say the wrong thing or they may feel they are going to look stupid or even get embarrassed. Who wants to get embarrassed?

 I role-play with children and teach them what to talk about when conversing with others.  Children need to know how to properly speak to adults too. When children are young they are told not to talk to strangers. That word of advice usually stays with them. You may notice that your child is very conversational around people they know and quiet and shy around others they don't know. As children get older they should know how to communicate with everyone including adults without feeling shy or creating an awkward moment.

 Some parents feel like proper manners are no longer important.  Well, proper manners are still important and people are watching your child's behavior.  When you think no one is watching, someone is watching.  They may not say anything to you but they are observing your child's behavior.  I see children on a daily basis that are nice children but seem to lack proper manners and unknowingly are displaying very rude and disrespectful behavior. Just like many other adults I overlook their behavior knowing they do not know any better.  I hear all the time that they are just kids. Well, those kids are going to grow up one day and if they do not know better they are going to continue doing the same thing and they will allow their children to do the same.

 It is important for our children to be aware that there are certain "rules" they should follow now that they are getting older.  There are certain expectations people are going to have of them now that they are older.  It is better for them to learn while they are younger to save them from a lifetime of embarrassment.  

I always tell my children that if they are not behaving properly people are going to look at me the parent as if I am not doing my job.  When you are in the store and you see the children running around playing and having a good old time stepping on eveyone's toes, etc.. who do you look for? That child's parent. You look to see what that child's parent is doing and why they are not making their children behave.

 I often hear from parents that they were never taught proper manners. It's never too late to learn. However, if you are trying to teach your child proper manners and you feel like  your child is not listening to you. I'm quite sure they hear you. Sometimes it takes someone else to teach them or tell them in order for them to learn.  I tell all parents to continue to correct their children's  behavior and teach them and it will stick with them.

Bringing The Fancy Woman Back

Wear Clothes That Fit
There is nothing worse than seeing a beautiful lady walking down the street with her flabby stomach showing or hanging out from up under her shirt, skin tight pants on, all of her breast hanging out or even with no bra on when she should have one on. A fancy woman does not let it all hang out. Plain and simple, if you don't feel good about yourself in it don't wear it. Keep it until you can fit it or give it away. I often wonder sometimes if these women feel their skin hanging out. Most of you have seen it so you know what I am talking about.

Accessorize Your Outfits
Don't be afraid to dress your outifts up and keep them interesting with sunglasses, a belt, shoes, necklaces, earrings, handbangs, jewelry, a scarf or maybe even a flower. An accessory can always be a nice complement to your outfit. Remember simple is always best. Wear a simple necklace, a bracelet and ring instead of every piece of jewelry that you can find that is cute. Save some accessories to wear with your other outfits. Try finding some inexpensive accessories so you will have many to choose from and wear them with your different outfits.

I love bling. Almost everyone loves bling but there is a classy way to wear it and it is not all at once. Look at your whole complete outfit in the mirror before you leave the house to make sure you didn't overdo it. Remember, if you have on a top that already has accessories, bling or decoration around the neck you do not need additional accessories around your neck. When you have a short cut or an up-do this is the best time to show off your shoulders and neckline by adding a nice necklace and a pair of big or blingy earrings.

Undergarments 101
It is important to wash your bras on the delicate cycle. I even have a special delicate washing powder for my bras. Bras should not be placed in the dryer. They should be washed frequently. It is very unattractive to see a woman's dirty bra strap showing under her top.

 I sometimes hold bra etiquette classes and I have learned a lot  about bras myself thanks to my good friend Lorne Wellington CEO of Sculpted Silhouette here in Los Angeles. Read her story here Lorne is the Chief Bra Lady fitting women from A-K cups.  I always say we as women do not know or are not educated enough when it comes to bras. Especially when Oprah aired a show that revealed that one in eight women are wearing the wrong size bra. There was a huge demand for bra fitting at that time. I even had a bra party at Nordstrom. It was fun for everyone to find out their true bra size. It is really amazing how wearing your true bra size can make you look so different in your clothes. It can give you a whole new look.

 You should go for a fitting every 6 months - 1 year. If your breasts are coming out above or below your bra cup it is time for a new bra. If your breasts sit on your stomach it is time for a new bra. You should get a bra that is appropriate for your body. Do not choose a bra that has a little skinny strap when you have very large breasts. That is like trying to hold a weight with a string. It's going to break. Also, try to find something that will not have your nipples showing.

Underwear and socks should be thrown away when the elastic is worn or they have holes or stains. You can find a pair of panties at the 99cents store now and socks too. There are many places you can find inexpensive panties or on clearance racks at your favorite stores. So out with the old and in with the new!

Don't forget our babies, our daughters. When we see their breasts begin to develop the first thing we think is Oh I have to go get her a training bra. Those were the days that have come and gone. If you know what I mean. I see some of these young girls that are larger than I am. My breasts developed early so I know. Forget the training bra. We need to have our girls fitted for a bra to find out their correct true bra size. Wearing the wrong size bra is not good for their breasts that are still developing. So ladies get your fittings!

Releasing the Elegant Woman Within